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TechTrek Hackathon Winners

After two days of intense competition and innovative solutions, the TechTrek hackathon at CIT has concluded, and we are thrilled to reveal the winners!

The jury had the challenging task of selecting the top teams for each challenge. After careful deliberation, they selected the following winning teams:

Challenge 1 Winners – ZENNIT
Challenge 2 Winners – CODE BREAKERS
Challenge 3 Winners – MAU

Additionally, for the AI Challenge, the winning team was: KERPUDHAT

Each member of the winning teams has received $100 and is eligible for a 50% Scholarship if they choose to register for any CIT programs. The members of the winning team for the Vodafone Challenge have been awarded a fully paid internship at Vodafone Albania.

Congratulations to all the winning teams! Your hard work, creativity, and dedication have truly paid off.

Join us in celebrating these incredible achievements and stay tuned for more exciting events at CIT!