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The 4th International Conference ICITTBT 2024

The second day of our International Conference on Intelligence-based Transformations of Technology and Business Trends (ICITTBT) was just as phenomenal as the first, filled with insightful sessions and inspiring presentations.

We kicked off the day with a memorable opening ceremony featuring esteemed speakers:

  • Prof. Dr. Lucio De Paolis, Director of AVR Lab, Salento University, Italy
  • Prof. Savaş Okyay, Professor of Computer Engineering, Eskişehir Osmangazi University, Turkey
  • Prof. Kujtim Ramadani, Professor at South East European University, North Macedonia
  • Mr. Dae Yong Han, Vision Group Inc., South Korea

Thank you to everyone for contributing to the success of this two-day conference. Your participation and enthusiasm made it truly great!