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Balkan Universities Association (BUA) Representatives Visit CIT

CIT was honored to host representatives from the Balkan Universities Association (BUA) for a significant meeting at our premises.

This gathering focused on strengthening cooperation, forging new agreements, and addressing common challenges in the Balkans. Founded in 2014, BUA is the largest university association in the Balkans, boasting 101 member institutions. CIT has proudly been a member since 2023, and together, we aim to enhance internationalization, tackle regional issues, and promote youth participation.

We were privileged to welcome esteemed members such as Prof. Dr. Erhan Tabakoğlu, Rector of Trakya University; Prof. Dr. Nermina Hadžigrahić, Rector of Tuzla University; and Prof. Dr. Ersan Aslan, Rector of Kırıkkale University, Türkiye. Greeted by our Rector, Prof. Dr. Ismail Kocayusufoğlu, Mr. Ubejd Osmani (Administrator), and Mr. Bledar Komina (Board of Administration), their insights contributed to an enlightening discussion, reaffirming our dedication to academic excellence, research, and cross-border collaboration.

Additionally, we signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Prof. Dr. Erhan Tabakoğlu, Rector of Trakya University, to further cooperation between the two universities.

This visit marks a significant step forward in our ongoing efforts to foster international collaboration and address regional challenges, demonstrating our commitment to academic excellence and mutual growth within the Balkan region.