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Category: Active Projects

Assessing implementation and evaluation of Internet of Things (IoT) systems towards Tirana as a Smart City. Testing Intelligent Traffic Control solutions efficiency and security in reducing traffic and pollution in Tirana

Funding: National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation (Nasri)

Project summary: The purpose of this research project is to contribute to the analysis of applicable solutions regarding the implementation of IoT systems in order to transform Tirana into a Smart City With a main focus on measuring the efficiency and safety of using these systems in transport management.

Project Lead: CIT

Data Protection in EU-Raising Awareness

Project id number: 101 127 342(DP-EU)

Funding: Erasmus -JMO-2023-HEI-TCH-RSCH

Project summary: The background of this project is highly related to the data protection issues in Albania. In the actual context of the Albanian society, there is an important lack of information regarding the right of personal data protection among citizens, including young people. Even though data protection is regulated by the Personal Data Protection Authority, which was established in 2018, there is still a need for increased awareness about the importance of data protection. Considering also the fact that Albania is negotiating the membership in the EU, being in line with European Union laws, is one of the priorities in the near future. Albania is also part of the idea of Open Balkans which includes free data flow amongst the countries and this increases the necessity of normalizing and respecting personal data and privacy of all citizens. Especially in public and private schools and higher education institutions, data protection is not considered at all.

The approach and methodology behind the project are designed to achieve the project’s objectives in the most effective and efficient manner. The following are the key components of the project’s approach and methodology:

Needs Analysis, Awareness raising, Teaching training and guidance

Dissemination and Communication

Project Lead: CIT