In the framework of the continues collaboration between honor and distinguished professors and CIT, was organized an Open Lecture with the topic “BIG DATA ANALYTICS”.
We were honored to welcome at CIT premises PhD. Arben Asllani as a guest speaker.
PhD. Asllani is a Professor of Information Systems and Data Analytics at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga / USA. Dr. Asllani has over 25 years in research, teaching and university service in the USA. He is an author, scholar, teacher, and consultant in the areas of business analytics, cybersecurity, information systems, and management science with a regional, national, and international reputation. He is the author of a book entitled “Business Analytics with management Science Models and Methods” and has published more than 70 papers in peer reviewed journals and proceedings including top tier journals such as Omega, Transfusion, European Journal of Operational Research, Knowledge Management, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, and Service Business: An International Journal.
PhD. Arben Asllani is an innovative teacher and a certified online instructor, always implementing new teaching styles and techniques that reflect the latest trends in higher education. He has developed new academic programs and has assisted international institutions in the area of data analytics. As a post-doctoral Fellow of Cybersecurity, PhD. Asllani serves as consultant and trainer to a variety of business and government agencies.
This year, Dr. Asllani was awarded the prestigious Fulbright Scholarship which is administered by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State. He will spend the Spring 2020 semester in Albania as a US Fulbright Scholar.