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Improving digital skills through innovation centers

Funding: National Youth Congress – Program “Tirana European Youth Capital 2022”

Project summary: This project aims to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy for increasing the capacities of innovation centers in Albania in the development of digital skills among young people in general, but with a special focus on entrepreneurs or startup teams that have innovative ideas to develop and carried forward. The strategy will focus on providing relevant training, mentoring and networking opportunities to enable the innovation center to support the young people who are activated near it in building successful digital businesses.

Key elements:

  1. Building a strategy on the development of digital skills for innovation centers in Albania. (min. 30 pages)
  2. Implementation of 3 presentations.
  3. Implementation of 3 workshops for the development of digital skills.
  4. Implementation of a 2-day Hackathon where young people provide solutions for social or business problems offering digital solutions based on the skills acquired in previous trainings.

Project Lead: CIT

Project partners: IETT – Institute of Education, Heritage and Tourism