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Insights from BUA 2024 Conference

We participated in the Balkan Universities Association (BUA) 2024 Conference, which focused on the European integration process and the promotion of tourism in the Balkans. Held at the Tirana International Hotel, the conference featured a standout keynote speech by Dr. Enrico Ceko on “A Comparative Analysis of the State of the Tourism Sector in Western Balkans.”

Dr. Ceko’s speech provided valuable insights into the current state of tourism in the Western Balkans, highlighting key challenges and opportunities for growth. The conference sparked insightful discussions and collaborations among universities and stakeholders, aiming to enhance the tourism sector in the region.

Participants exchanged ideas on sustainable tourism practices, cultural heritage preservation, and strategies for attracting more visitors to the Balkans.

This event underscored the importance of collaborative efforts in promoting tourism and integrating European standards, paving the way for a more prosperous and interconnected Balkan region.