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Online Guest Speaker – Ms. Jehona Salaj

We are honored to have as a guest speaker at “Women in Tech” project, Ms. Jehona Salaj, Albanian physician who works in Finland.

Ms. Salaj holds a Master’s degree in Photonics at the University of Eastern Finland and has work experience as researcher in different projects at the University of Eastern Finland and the University of Oulu.

She has a reach background of knowledge in programming languages such as: Pascal, Java, Python, Matlab and Wofran language.

Ms. Jehona Salaj will hold an online open lecture on the topic: “The importance of coding in different fields of science” for the Women in Tech project which is offered in an online format.

Venue: Online
Date: 15/04/2020
Time: 17:00

All CIT students who are interested to be part of the online meeting are welcomed to send an e-mail at [email protected] so Silva Bashlari – Coordinator of the project will send you the link of the meeting.

Stay Tuned!