To all young women of ages 15 to 19, with an interest in technology and related areas, CIT invites you to a month-long project of learning and discovering the world of technology, coding and innovation.
The purpose of this project is to increase the interest of high-school young women in areas of tech, mainly software and computer engineering as well as develop their soft skills: teamwork, creating and much more. CIT greatly appreciates the impact that diversity has upon our society, especially as technology intercepts human activity more and more. Greater gender diversity in the area of tech can largely impact the way technological innovation will affect our society.
As part of our already existing GO DIGITAL platform we will launch this 5 week long project.
This project will be developed not only in technical terms but mainly as a prospective career-building activity by taking in consideration all the entry-barriers in the field that women face and many others along the way.
This project is open to all curious minds and everything is covered by CIT.
The project will consist of a weekly meeting with the selected high school students, which will be divided in two hours of technical lecture mainly on OOP(object oriented programming) held by a CIT professor, one hour of practicing the acquired knowledge with mentors (CIT existing students) and an one hour talk with a Q&A with a woman professional in the field of tech. In the end of this project a general quiz will be held to determine the knowledge acquired during this timeframe. Optionally, the students that prefer writing can also develop an essay with the topic: “Challenges of women in tech”. In this manner we assist the students to explore both their mathematical/analytical and critical thinking skills. In the end you will gain a certificate of participation, awards for winners, and lots of knowledge.