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Discover CIT > Facts and History

Key Facts About Us

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Open Door Institution

In order to maximize the interaction between students and academic staff, CIT since the very beginning followed an open-door philosophy and has applied it. Students can consult both their academic teaching staff as well as administrative staff at any time.

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Project Oriented

The institution in its teaching philosophy focuses to develop skills to students that will serve them not only at work and career but throughout their lives. For this reason, the institution has included student projects in all its teaching curricula and courses. Following this philosophy, CIT organizes student competitions on best projects as well as student conferences for the presentation of scientific projects.

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In English and with the latest literature

At CIT we teach only in English and all our teaching materials are only in English. Since 2016, CIT has signed an agreement with McGraw Hill Education, one of the most well-known companies in the world in terms of providing university teaching literature. Academic staff have the opportunity to use the latest academic literature in teaching; while students may learn with the same way and literature as in all other international universities. Our study programs at CIT are offered in English since their licensing. Teaching literature is provided free of charge.

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Online library with over 60 thousand titles

With the onset of the pandemic, the institution capitalized on the idea that in an emergency situation, when library literature could not be accessed, new alternatives had to be found so that students did not lose contact with academic textbooks. For this reason, in 2021 CIT signed an agreement with O’Reilly Company through its distributor TEXO, enabling both its students and staff to have unlimited access to various scientific literature, manuals, videos and other various materials.

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Opportunities to Study in Canada or the US

CIT delivers teaching programs in English and its curricula meet requirements and standards of higher education in USA and Canada. In October 2020 a contractual agreement (Articulation Agreement) was signed between CIT and the Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology in Canada for student transfer and mutual recognition of programs.

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International and Internationally Educated Academic Staff

CIT employs highly qualified faculty members, combining foreign and Albanian citizens with an international education background and professional experience in the classes they teach. CIT takes a personal approach to education. At CIT students and professors are more than a team, both in pursuit of continuous and advanced knowledge. CIT offers the advantages of a close, caring small university atmosphere combined with in-depth academically oriented research.